Ervin Laszlo - Marco Roveda, La felicità nel cambiamento

Steve Killelea, brief biography

Steve Killelea

Steve Killelea (Australia, September 8, 1949) is an accomplished entrepreneur in high technology business development and at the forefront of philanthropic activities focused on sustainable development and peace. After successfully building two international software companies: Software Products which ended up listed on Nasdaq and Integrated Research Ltd, an Australian publiclylisted company (ASX:IRI), Steve decided to dedicate most of his time and fortune to sustainable development and peace. In 2000 Steve established his own private foundation, The Charitable Foundation (TCF), which specialises in working with the poorest communities of the world. TCF is one of the largest private overseas aid organizations in Australia. It aims to pro-vide life changing interventions reaching as many people as possible with special emphasis on targeting the poorest of the poor. TCF is active in East and Central Africa and parts of Asia. Steve regularly visits and is actively involved in the projects he is funding. TCF supports projects that provide sustainable futures for the community such as clean water, housing, agricultural development and famine relief. Steve is also the Founder of the Global Peace Index the first ever tool for measuring the peacefulness of countries and identifying the correlations of peace. With data collected and collated by the Economist Intelligence Unit, the GPI has sparked a debate in government, the media and academia all over the world. The Global Peace Index is now considered the benchmark for measuring the peacefulness of nations. Steve’s latest initiative, the Institute for Economics and Peace, specializes on the linkages between business, peace and economics.

The Institute is an independent not for profit research institute dedicated to empower the academic community, civil society, private sector, international institutions and governments with the knowledge to proactively use peace to achieve their desired goals. Together with Australian filmmaker Tim Wise Steve established One Tree Films, whose mission is to produce world-class documentaries and other forms of media (including online videos) that have a strong focus on social issues. The first production "Soldiers of Peace" is a documentary film narrated by Michael Douglas illustrating the connections between individual acts of heroism and the systematic changes needed, if we are to achieve a peaceful world. The film received international acclaim and won a number of awards including the Angel Film Award at the Monaco International Film Festival 2008 the Golden Ace Award for Superior and Outstanding Film Making at the Las Vegas International Film Festival 2009 and the Club of Budapest Worldshift Ethic Film Award. Steve currently serves on a number of Advisory Boards including the Alliance for Peacebuilding and the Oecd’s Global Project on Measuring Progress of Societies, and is an International Trustee of the World Council of Religions for Peace.

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