Ervin Laszlo - Marco Roveda, La felicità nel cambiamento

Vandana Shiva, brief biography

Vandana Shiva

A physicist, economist, political and environmental activist Vandana Shiva (Dehra Dunh, November 5, 1952), won the Right Livelihood Award, considered the alternative Nobel prize for peace in 1993 and is now a director of the Dehra Dunh’s Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Natural Resource Policy in India. The most significant social ecology problems of our time are dealt with in his research institute, in close cooperation with the local communities and social movements. Vandana Shiva is part of an extended movement that criticises the assistance and development policies implemented in Asia, Africa and Latin American by international entities, and indicates new avenues to economic growth that respect the culture of local communities, which have the values of models that are different to those of a market economy. This scientist denounces the disastrous consequences that socalled "development" has brought to third world countries. Development, or rather "bad development" as she calls it, instead of responding to essential needs, threatens the very survival of the planet on which we live.

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