Ervin Laszlo - Marco Roveda, La felicità nel cambiamento

Robert Kennedy III, brief biography

Robert Kennedy III

Born on September 2, 1984 in Mt. Kisko, New York, he is the grandson of Robert Francis Kennedy, the Minister for Justice and senator assassinated in 1968 during a presidential campaign. Robert Kennedy III has a degree from Brown University. He is fully dedicated to the environmental cause,an activity partly inherited from his father Robert Francis Kennedy II, the founder of Waterkeeper Alliance, an association that safeguards 250 rivers around the world and whose purpose is to sensitise people and institutions to environmental issues, in particular water pollution. Robert Kennedy III is an ambassador around the world for the same association, including Italy: his decision was symbolic to adopt the River Lambro after the spillage of hydrocarbons in February 2010. The young representative of the Kennedy dynasty nurtures a profound love of Italy, where he lived for some months and where he decided to record most of his film project "AmeriQua", the story of an American whose parents stop giving him financial support and after college decides to spend his money on a holiday, rather than creating a normal business lifestyle.

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