Ervin Laszlo - Marco Roveda, La felicità nel cambiamento

Fritjof Capra, brief biography

Fritjof Capra

A graduate in physics from the University of Vienna, a researcher in the field of high Energy physics, Fritjof Capra (Vienna, February 1, 1939) was the first person to explore the bond between science, philosophical implications and matrixes of ancient knowledge. He was the author of The Tao of Physics (1975). The book sold one and a half million copies all over the world, and was translated into twenty four languages. He is the man who read a Chinese text dating back to 1200 a.d., perceiving a quantum bootstrap explanation in it. He is the man who compared the writings of Oppenheimer with those of Upanisad (the most ancient Indian books in the world). He is the thinker that thirty years ago (The Turning Point, 1982) predicted the arrival of the current energy crisis, the hyperbole of the age of fossil fuels. Also, he deduced the clue to the emergence of "new models of cultural evolution" from the hardening of social structures and values. After The Tao of physics he has published a book every eight years, each of them fundamental, constitutive, historical, in recent years he has dedicated his time to new cultural reveries. He founded the Center for Ecoliteracy in Berkeley, California, and dedicated himself to explaining the cycles of nature to children through the cultivation of scholastic gar-Science of Leonardo, 2007, and in dens and has revisited the genius of his book The Botany of Leonardo, Leonardo Da Vinci of holism in The 2009, for Aboca.

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